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Is cash here to stay?
By vCash | |
Will cash go away? That is the question that is top of mind for the ATM industry. Some thought leaders believe that digital payments will phase out cash completely and lead us into a fully cashless society. However, there are reasons to doubt this narrative, especially when you consider numerous legal efforts to restrict or ban cashless businesses due to concerns with the unbanked and underbanked.
Cash Is Personal Budget Tool
By vCash | |
Using cash as a budget tool can be a highly effective and tangible way to manage personal finances. One of the primary advantages of using cash is its inherent physicality, providing a tangible representation of money spent. Unlike digital transactions, counting out physical bills and coins creates a more visceral connection to one's spending, fostering a heightened awareness of financial decisions. This tactile experience can serve as a powerful deterrent to impulsive purchases and encourages individuals to prioritize essential expenses over discretionary spending.